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Mory Sako, known as lya, was born into a farming family in the small village of Samakofadda in the Wassalon region of Upper Guinea, West Africa, and is approximately 25kms from the Mali border.

lya is Malinké (one of the many tribes of Guinea) and grew up with traditional Malinké rhythms and music as part of his everyday life.

Music accompanies every aspect of Malinké life; naming babies, initiation, marriage, farming the land and finally at the end of life. These are but a few examples of how music is used to celebrate Malinké life.

From the womb to the grave Malinké people are immersed in a rich tradition of culture, music, song and dance. The rhythms and style of music in the Wassalon region are strongly linked to that of Mali due to its close proximity to the border.

Iya spends time back home in Kankan, fondly known as the 'Malinké capital' founded by the Mandinka people in the 17th century. This has been an important trading post for Upper Guinea. As such it brings traders and families from bordering countries which accounts for the cultural and musical crossovers that influence Malinké music.

Around the age of nine, lya began to play Dundun support for the village Djembe Fola*1 Mamady Doumbouya  as workers farmed the land. After four years he was chosen by villagers and Mamady to continue the tradition of village Djembe Fola. With family and villagers support he went on to become a renowned Djembe Fola across the Wassalon and Siguiri regions of Guinea, and also in Bamako, Mali where he was much in demand as Djembe Fola for Malinké fetes of all kinds.

As he progressed, Iya worked with Solo Traoré a renowned Malinké "Walla Walla"*2 in Guinea and Mali, and taught his first international students in Mali in 1999. From there, In 2004 Iya arrived in the Guinean capital Conakry, and was introduced to Famoudou Konaté. Iya worked with Famoudou supporting classes for international students and performed with Famoudou’s group Hamana Diada in Conakry.

Iya also performed with the group Fankabah, performing for international djembe fola Mamady Keďta and his students at his compound in Conakry in December 2006 and January 2007. Around this time, Iya and Fankabah (the djembe and dundun players who met through Famoudou Konaté) released Iya's first album titled 'Malinké Rhythms'.

Having made the decision to move to the UK himself in 2007, Iya performed again with Famoudou Konaté in the UK at African Drum Village in August 2007 during Famoudou’s second visit to the UK.

Iya supported Mamady Keďta's UK workshops at High Wycombe in May 2008 playing Dunduns, as organised by Eliza Dickie of Djembe school and Justine Hart of Hartbeats.

On one of his early trips back to Guinea, the first solo album 'Hŕrijéeké Bon N’Yé' was recorded in Conakry, and his home village Samakofadda, in December 2008 and January 2009. The CD has 13 tracks, including many Wassalon rhythms and impromptu village celebrations.

“Hŕrijéeké Bon N’Yé” are the Malinké words used to describe a good luck sign, usually a sign through nature. Whilst recording “Hŕrijéeké Bon N'Yé” occurred in the form of ants. It is a traditional Malinké belief that when ants come to the surface in great numbers, in your home or at an event, it is a sign of luck and progress for the people around. This happening was seen as a blessing by the group of musicians.

This CD is dedicated to people of all tribes and cultures who come together without prejudice through music. Iya is hoping to get back into a recording studio in the very near future !

Iya has an immense wealth of cultural history stored in his hands and he takes immense pleasure and pride in sharing that culture with drumming students. He is the most modest of people, an incredible djembe player and a passionate and patient teacher.

*1 - Djembe Fola (fola translates as player) 

*2 - Walla Walla is a traditional male dancer / singer


Iya's Mother, Siranken Traoré


Young Iya at work...


Traditional Djembe Fola

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